asthma Symptoms

What are the symptoms of asthma?


A whistling or squeaky sound when breathing, particularly during exhalation.

Chest Tightness

A feeling of pressure or tightness in the chest.

Increased Mucus Production

Excess mucus in the airways, leading to congestion.

Shortness of Breath​

Difficulty breathing, especially during physical activity or at night.


Persistent coughing, often worse at night or early in the morning.

Frequent Respiratory Infections

Recurrent colds or infections that may exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Watch for symptoms

Common Symptoms

These symptoms occur when the airways become inflamed and narrowed, making it harder to breathe. Some individuals may experience additional symptoms such as increased mucus production, which can further obstruct the airways. Asthma symptoms may be triggered by a variety of factors, including allergens, exercise, emotions, and environmental conditions, and can range from mild to severe, sometimes leading to asthma attacks that require medical attention.

Emergency Symptoms

Emergency asthma symptoms occur when asthma symptoms worsen suddenly and severely, potentially leading to an asthma attack. f asthma symptoms don’t improve after using a rescue inhaler or other quick-relief medication, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention. Emergency symptoms require prompt action to prevent complications, and ignoring them can be life-threatening.

What to do if you have symptoms

If you experience asthma symptoms, it’s important to take immediate action to manage the situation and prevent your condition from worsening. Here’s what you can do:

If symptoms are recurrent or severe, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider to adjust your treatment plan and better manage your asthma in the future.

What you need to know